Test - kateri lakci delujejo s konadom?

Kot sem že omenila, danes ni moj dan. Ker sem bila popolnoma neproduktivna, sem se odločila da poizkusim, kateri laki delujejo za konadiranje. Za nameček sem poskusila še konad z mat lakom od Jessice. Te slike nimam, ker se mi je ob izvajanju tega pol lakca polilo po računalniku, najljubši Dan D majici in po vsem, kar je bilo na mizi. Smrk smrk:(

As I mentioned before, today is not my day. And since I wasn't doing anything productive, I decided to try some polishes with konad plates. As an added bonus I tried konading with Jessica matte top coat, which failed miserably, because I spilled the polish over my computer, table and my favourite t-shirt from a local band :(

Pa da ne bom dolgovezila - sledijo slike. Na vseh nohtih sem uporabila Essence adorable (Pure Beauty LE) kot podlago.

So, to get to the pictures: I used Essence adorable (Pure Beauty LE) as a base on all nails.

Najprej platka - iz Essence Stampy seta.
The plate - from Essence Stampy set.

Essence Crazy me (Crazy about colour TE):

Essence Carribean sea (Show your feet line):

Essence Bonnie (Nail Art Twins line):

Catrice Black Beauty (60 seconds nail couture line):

Alessandro 261:

Essence Wild Thing (Multi Dimension line):

Catrice Vibrant Violet (60 seconds Nail Couture line):

Essence Think Pink (Crazy About Colour TE):

H&M Sinful Senorita:

Essence Romeo (Nail Art Twins):

H&M Mad about you

Ne morem verjeti da sem zbolela... Cela cotasta sem, naveličana sebe in vseh ostalih. Sem pa vesela, da sem končno dobila svoje prve H&M lakce, zahvala gre prijazni arsovki. Danes predstavljam prvega od treh - Mad about you. Lepa lila vijolična s srebrnim šimrom, ki se pokaže kot rahlo holo. Potrebna sta bila dva sloja za prekrivnost, posušil pa se je ekstra hitro. Definitivno bo še velikokrat pristal na mojih nohtih! Žal slik na soncu nimam, ker ga (še vedno) ni:(

I can't believe it - I'm sick! I feel like s**t, I'm tired of myself and everybody else. But I'm happy that I got my first H&M polishes yesterday. I present: Mad about you. A lovely lilac with a silver shimmer, that shows up as a little holo. It took two coats, and dried extra quickly. It'll definetly land on my nails again. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures in the sunshine, but sadly there still isn't any.



Umetna svetloba:
Artificial light:

Catrice Pastel blue

Žal sem zadnje čase popolnoma zakopana v delo in nimam časa objavljati. Prišlo je celo do te mere, da sem danes šla na neko zadevo z veliko ljudmi z nenalakiranimi nohti *gasp* Našla pa sem eno malo starejšo slikico lakca, ki mi je nekje srednje všeč. Barva je ok, nanos in sušenje pa me nista preveč navdušila. Gre za Catrice Pastel blue iz Pastel delight LE.

I'm sorry that i'm so swamped with work lately and I haven't got time to publish posts. I have so little time I actually attended a thing today with "naked" nails *gasps*. But I did find an old photo of a manicure with Catrice Pastel blue from the Pastel delight LE. I don't really like this polish, the colour is ok, but the application is a dread.

Še bonus slika: takole zgleda naša "zver" kadar se zrine na kavč:
And a bonus: our "beast" when she manages to push herself onto the couch:

Catrice Black Beauty

Danes moje nohte krasi Catrice lak, ki ni več v prodaji - Black Beauty. Če bi vedela, da so laki iz serije 60 second nail couture tako super, bi si jih vse nakupila ko sem imela priložnost, tako pa imam doma žal samo dva. No, o tem laku: čopič je malo sploščen in ravno prav dolg, da je nanos čista poezija. Na slikah se vidi, kako lepo mi ga je uspelo nanesti - nobenega clean-upa:) Nanesla sem dva sloja, a bi z malo potrpežljivosti in natančnosti najverjetneje zadostoval že en. Suši se ekspresno! Barva je prelepa, temno rjava z rdečkastimi in zlatimi bleščicami. V senci bleščanje sploh ni očitno, takoj ko lak pride na vsaj malo svetlobe pa dobi neverjetno globino in blesk. Torej, slike:

Today I have Catrice Black Beauty as my NOTD - it's a polish that's gone out of sale. If I knew this line of polishes was so great, I would have bought all of them when I had the chance. Now sadly I only own two. Sometnih about the polish itself: the brush is slightly flattened and just the right lenght - I managed to apply the polish neatly, as you can see on the pictures. No clean-up neccessary:) There are two lyers, but you could probably manage with only one if you have the patience and precision it takes. It also dries very quickly. The colour is beautiful, a dark brown with shimmer in gold and red, that just comes alive when in the light. So, the photos:



Na soncu:

Na soncu, lepo se vidi shimmer:
Sunlight, behold the shimmer:

Malo prej pa sem se odločila za velik eksperiment - po dolgem času sem spet poiskala konad škatlico. Uporabila sem Essence Romeo in konad platko m56. Tole je rezultat:

Just now i decided to conduct a big experimet - after a long time I took out my konad box. I used Essence Romeo and konad m56 plate. And the result is:

CCUK - Sugared lilac

Eno izmed mojih odkritij med brskanjem po policah drogerije Tuš - CCUK laki za nohte. Cena je zelo ugodna, približno 1,5€. Kupila sem dva odtenka, danes predstavljam Sugared Lilac. Do tega laka sem razvila resen odnos ljubezni in sovraštva. Barva je prelepa, nanos tudi. Sovražim pa, da je potrebno za prekrivnost nanesti vsaj 3 sloje, četrti ne bi škodil. Sovražim tudi, da eno uro po nanosu še vedno ni popolnoma suh. Ali je vredno trpeti minuse zaradi barve, pa presodite sami.

One of my discoveries while browsing in a local drugstore - CCUK polishes. The price is very low, around 1,5€ for a bottle. I bought two shades, today I have for you Sugared Lilac. I developed a serious love/hate relationship with this polish. I love the colour, I love the application. But I hate the fact that it needs at least three coats to be opaque, a fourth layer would'n be too much. And I hate that it's still not completely dry an hour after application. I'll let you decide if the colour is worth the hassle.


Na naravni svetlobi (sonca ni):
Natural light (there's no sunshine today):

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