Joy 16

O znamki Joy sem že pisala. Zadnjič, ko sem brskala po njihovi košari, sem odkrila tale odtenek. Duochrome, osnova mirna roza, zlati odsevi. Nanaša se lepo, očitno so z novimi odtenki tudi malo spremenili konsistenco laka in pa čopič. Tudi nad sušenjem sem bila presenečena. Priporočam! Slike so posnete po dnevu in pol po aplikaciji, tako da so vidni prvi znaki obrabe:(

I wrote about Joy polishes before. But recently, as I was going through their basket, I found some new, duochrome polishes. This is one of them - softly pink with golden reflections. The application was good, the thickness just right. They obviously changed the formula a bit, and also added some new colours. I strongly recommend it! I took the pictures a day and a half after application, so you can see the first sighns of wear:(

Vollare Joy 16:

Modra primerjava /Blue comparison

Danes samo hiter post, nabit s slikam:) Gre za primerjavo štirih modrih odtenkov s podobno osnovo, ampak drugačnim šimrom.

Just a quick post with lots of pics today - a comparison of blue polishes with a similar base colour and different shimmer.

Essence Pool Party
Essence Carribean Sea
Essence Groovy
Vollare Joy 326

Na soncu:
In the sunshine:

S flashem:
With flash:

Carribean Sea makro:

Groovy makro:

Joy 326 makro:
Ta ima v živo zlat šimer, v bistvu gre za duochrome, ampak na slikah se ga sploh ne vidi:(
In RL this one has a golden shimmer and is essentially a duochrome, but the camera does't show it:(

Pool Party makro:

Tassa je kul / Tassa is cool

Franček, ki ga je zmešala Tassa. Hvala, zakon si:)
Frankenpolish, mixed by Tassa. Thanks, you rule:)

Je popolne lila barve, spominja me na španski bezeg. Dodatno ga polepša še šimer, ki se na soncu pokaže kot holo. Ne morem ga prehvaliti :)

It's a perfect lilac purple, sort of reminds me of the bush called lilac (Syringa). It also has a small shimmer, which shows itself as holo in the sunlight. I just can't say enough good things about it:)

Dvojčka Catrice&Essence / Dupes

Niti pomislila nisem na to, da bi si lahko kdaj kupila lak, ki je zelo podoben enemu od tistih, ki jih že imam. Ampak ja, zgodi se tudi najboljšim:) Včeraj me je očaral novi Essence Colour&Go lak What Do U Think?. Ko pa sem prišla domov, sem se udarila po glavi in ugotovila, da je skoraj identičen I Scream Peach! od Catrice. Po nanosu na nohte pa sem ugotovila, da ni skoraj identičen, ampak je popolnoma identičen! Kot da bi si nanašala enak lak. Razlike med njima praktično ni - konsistenca je enaka, nanašanje enako, sušenje enako, oba potrebujeta tri sloje, da sta popolnoma prekrivna. Po prvem sloju je mogoče še opazna mini razlika, potem pa se izgubi. In tako ima tudi Fleur po novem dvojčka. Mogoče bi pa bilo treba organizirati kak Giveaway, da se ga znebim:)

I never even thought possible that I could buy a polish of an identical colour to the ones I already own. But, it happened:) Yesterdaj I was dazzled by the beautiful new Essence Colour&Go polish What Do U Think?. But when I came home I realised it's a dupe for Catrice's I Scream Peach!. The application goes the same, they both need three coats, they dry the same. Maybe there's a tiny difference in colour with the first layer, but the second evens that out. So, I have dupes now. Maybe it's time for a giveaway to get rid of one:)


Slikano na naravni svetlobi (s flashem nikakor nisem ujela realnih barv):
Picture in natural light (I couldn't get the right colours with flash):

Essence Crazy me / Catrice I sea you!

Še ena primerjava barv:
Another colour comparison:

Essence Crazy me (TE Crazy about colour) & Catrice I Sea You!

Vsi vemo, kako težko je slikati takšne odtenke. Recimo, da sem zadovoljna za barvami na teh slikah. Spet, slika na naravni svetlobi ni na soncu, ker ga ni:(

We all know what a pain is to photograph these colours. The following photos are my best tries. And again, no sun photo, only natural light. We don't have any sun here today:(

Naravna svetloba:
Natural light:


In še ena zamegljena, kjer je lepo viden podton:
And a blurry one, to see the base colour:

Spet je odgovor Ja, oba potrebujete:)
The answer again is Yes, you need to have both:)

Essence lila primerjave /Essence lilac comparison

Danes sem se zbudila z idejo, da je Lilac forever iz Crazc about colour kolekcije zelo podoben Joe-u in Be a nail artist. Itak da sem morala takoj preizkusiti:)

I woke up today with an idea that Lilac Forever from Crazy about colour has to be very similar to Joe from Be a nail artist. Of course I had to try immediately:)


Slika s flashem:
Picture with flash:

Slika na naravni svetlobi (kolikor je pač premoremo, vreme je zelo grozno):
Natural light picture (light is a relative word, wwe have awful weather here):

Za primerjavo sem dodala še Date Me! iz kolekcije Cute as hell. Razlike v barvi so očitne: Joe potegne na roza, Lilac forever na vijolično, Date me pa na sivo. Torej, odgovor je : Ja, vse tri nujno potrebujete:)

I added Date Me! from the Cute as hell collection for comparison. The colour differences are obvious: Joe goes sort of pink, Lilac forever sort of purple and Date me goes to gray. So the answer is Yes, you need all three of them:)

Catrice From dusk to dawn with a twist :)

Danes sem za umirjeno manikuro, zato je na nohte najprej romal Catrice From Dusk To Dawn, ki sem ga nadgradila z Jessica No Shine Top Coatom.

I'm easy going today, so I have a subtle manicure. I applied Catrice From Dusk To Dawn and added some Jessica No Shine Top Coat.

Kot ostali Catrice lakci se nanaša odlično, hitro suši, potrebna sta dva sloja.

Like the rest of Catrice polishes application is great, quick drying and two layers.

Kljub želji po umirjeni manikuri je bilo vseeno preveč dolgočasno, zato sem dodala črto z Essence Nail Art tip painterjem v odtenku Silver Surfer. Na kazalec pa sem dodala še majhno rožico.

Despite my desire for a calmer manicure, it was too boring, so I added a line with Essence Nail Art tip painter in Silver Surfer and a tiny flower.

Temno rjavi lakci /Dark brown polishes

Nekaj časa nazaj sem strmela v svojo zbirko in se odločila, da bom, ko bom imela čas, na hitro poswatchala svojo zbirko. Danes sem se posvetila nekaj temno rjavim odtenkom. Slike so s flashem, razen makro shimmerja v Spicy je pod umetno svetlobo, ampak je tudi temu dodana mini slikica shimmerja pod flashem.

Some time ago I decided to take some time and swatch my polish collection. Today I focused on dark browns and I quicky smired them on my nails. All pictures are with flash, accept for the Spicy one, which is taken under artificial light, but has a mini photo of the shimmer under flash too.

Najprej stekleničke:
First the bottles:

Od leve proti desni si sledijo:
From left to right:

Essence 02 Rockabilly (50's fever Trend Edition)
Essence 12 Very diva (Colour&Go)
Essence 39 Spicy (Multi dimension)
Catrice 100 Black beauty (60 seconds nail couture)

In slika lakcev, na hitro namazanih na nohte. Od leve proti desni:
And the polishes quickly smeared on my nails. From left to right:

Black beauty, Spicy, Very diva, Rockabilly.

Vsi so naneseni v dveh slojih. Najmanj težav mi je povzročala Catrice, Rockabilly in Very diva pa sta za nanašanje zelo težavna, mogoče bi potrebovala malo thinnerja. Kot vidite, sta Spicy in black beauty shimmrasta laka, vendar ima Spicy zelo majhne delce shimmra, ki se sveti predvsem zlato, Black beauty pa ima večje delce shimmra, ki odsevajo rdeče do zlato. Spodaj še sliki od blizu:

All polishes are applied in two coats. Catrice was the least troublesome, Rockabilly and Very diva were terrible and I think they might need some thinner. As you can see, Spicy and Black beauty have shimmer. Spicy has small golden shimmer particles, and Black beauty has larger, reddish to gold particles. And some close-ups:

Black beauty:


Vsem vam želim prvi popočitniški dan!
Have a nice day!
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