Essie - Turquise&Caicos

Another second hand polish:))

And another one I like the colour of, but hate the application *sigh* This is three very thick coats, could use a fourth. Damn...

China Glaze - Secret Peri-Wink-Le

I don't know about you, but having nail polish that matches my clothes on makes me feel more presentable, neat, elegant. I had a pretty important meeting this morning, and I dressed up. I needed to do a quick mani, and this one was on my desk, because I just got it yesterday - second hand polish FTW:) I thought: Hey, ChG, this must be a great polish! and it matched my blazer prefectly! So, one coat... two coats... THREE COATS?!? NO! 4! Damn you secret periwinkle! And I love the colour soooo much, it's the perfect colour if you ask me. But seriously, what's with the formula? I sort of suspect it was thinned out before I got it:( EDIT: I found out from the previous owner it WAS NOT thinned out. So I blame China Glaze for the crappy formula now.

And here are the pics. See how it looks I have a centimeter of polish on my nails? *sigh*

I have a question for all of you more experienced gals - if a polish is too runny or watery, is there a way to thicken it? Like leaving it opened/uncapped for an hour of so?

Nfu-Oh 60

My first Nfu-Oh :))) From a sale, used, of course. I'm still reluctant to pay large sums of money for polishes:)

This took three cots to be sattisfactory and four to be opaque. Next time I'll layer it. But I really like it anyway:))

Random stuff and giveaway winner

First I have to apologise for my rant a few days ago, but I was so fed up and had to get it off my chest. Thank to everyone who commented and sent emails, I'm fine and managed to avoid the flood. It was a matter of centimetres, so I had no sleep whatsoever during the weekend.
And I have to extend my sympathis to all of the Slovenian families who did get fdlooded. We really had a terrible weekend here, and the damage will take months to repair. I feel for you all!

On another note: I had a giveaway for Slovenian blogers which ended yesterday, so I'm due to pick a winner:) The rest of the post will be in Slovene, sorry.

Torej punce, giveaway Nfu-Oh lakcev, ki ga sponzorira Za Piko Na i, se je včeraj končal. Dobila sem precej mailov, prijavilo se vas je več kot sem pričakovala! Zmagovalko sem izbrala naključno s pomočjo programa The Hat, ki naključno izbere ime izmed vnesenih. Torej, zmagovalka je:

Tassa! Čestitam!! Ti že pišem mail:)

Vsem hvala za sodelovanje, upam da bom imela priložnost organizirati še kkašen tak giveaway.
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