There's nothing better than taking a break from work to polish your nails:) I put on Catrice I Sea You!, but I had problems taking photos and getting the colour to be real. The closest I got is shown in the right corner, but I'm still not satisfied. It's more greenish in RL. This picture is taken in the sunshine:

Ta pa je slikana s flashem:
This one is with flash:

Na splošno mi je lakec super, sploh glede na ceno (cca 2,5€). Lepo se nanaša, če bi bila previdna bi mogoče zadoščal že en sloj, ampak sem vseeno nanesla dva. Suši se povprečno dolgo. Ampak barva je pa odlična! In pa da ne pozabim omeniti stekleničke in čopiča - oba sta perfektna. Čopič je malo sploščen, kar meni zelo ustreza.
Generally speaking i like this polish, especially considering the price, which is about 2,5€. Painting goes smoothly, if I would have been carefull it would probably only need one layer, but I applied two just in case. Drying time is average. But I have to mention the bottle and brush. The brush is slightly flattened and I love it!