Ni ga lepšega kot med delom narediti pavzo za lakiranje nohtov:) Na nohte je romal Catrice I Sea You!. Poslikala sem ga komaj komaj, saj je zelo sramežljiv lak. Nikakor mi ni uspelo ujeti prave barve. Še najbližje je barvi v desnem kvadratku, ampak mogoče še kakšen odtenek bolj zelen. Slika je na soncu:
There's nothing better than taking a break from work to polish your nails:) I put on Catrice I Sea You!, but I had problems taking photos and getting the colour to be real. The closest I got is shown in the right corner, but I'm still not satisfied. It's more greenish in RL. This picture is taken in the sunshine:
Ta pa je slikana s flashem:
This one is with flash:
Na splošno mi je lakec super, sploh glede na ceno (cca 2,5€). Lepo se nanaša, če bi bila previdna bi mogoče zadoščal že en sloj, ampak sem vseeno nanesla dva. Suši se povprečno dolgo. Ampak barva je pa odlična! In pa da ne pozabim omeniti stekleničke in čopiča - oba sta perfektna. Čopič je malo sploščen, kar meni zelo ustreza.
Generally speaking i like this polish, especially considering the price, which is about 2,5€. Painting goes smoothly, if I would have been carefull it would probably only need one layer, but I applied two just in case. Drying time is average. But I have to mention the bottle and brush. The brush is slightly flattened and I love it!
Catrice nove pridobitve / Catrice haul
Včeraj me je poštar razveselil s paketkom, v katerem so bili štirje čudoviti lakci Catrice (ki se jih pri nas ne da dobiti). Zahvala gre seveda Mamy od Parokeets, ki je večino slovenskih obsedenk z lakci oskrbela z najbolj zaželenimi Catrice laki. Moje želje so bile sicer ogromne, ampak sem se omejila na štiri lake. In ja, sedaj mi je žal:)Na spletni strani Catrice si lahko ogledate vse nove odtenke lakov. Vse bi imela ;)
Yesterday I got a fabulous package in the mail - four Catrice nail polishes, which you can't buy in Slovenia. As with most of Slovenian polish freaks, I have to thank Mamy from Parokeets for buying and sending the polishes. I managed to limit myself to only four polishes, even though I wouldn't mind having them all :) You can see the new colours of polishes on the official Catrice website.
Torej, moje nove pridobitve:
So, here's my haul:
Od leve proti desni:
Left to right:
200 From Dusk To Dawn
240 Sold Out For Ever
170 I Scream Peach!
250 I Sea You!
Sold Out For Ever ima rahel šimer, ostali pa so brez.
Sold Out For Ever has a little bit of shimmer, others have none.
Na hitro sem jih napacala na nohte, samo za poskušino.
I couldn't resist, I had to quickly try them on my nails.
Zaenkrat je moj favorit I Sea You!, in bo verjetno danes pristal na nohtih. Slikice sledijo:)
My favourite so far is I Sea You! and it will probably be on my nails today. I'll post some pictures:)
Lep sončen dan vam želim!
Have a nice sunny day!
Yesterday I got a fabulous package in the mail - four Catrice nail polishes, which you can't buy in Slovenia. As with most of Slovenian polish freaks, I have to thank Mamy from Parokeets for buying and sending the polishes. I managed to limit myself to only four polishes, even though I wouldn't mind having them all :) You can see the new colours of polishes on the official Catrice website.
Torej, moje nove pridobitve:
So, here's my haul:
Od leve proti desni:
Left to right:
200 From Dusk To Dawn
240 Sold Out For Ever
170 I Scream Peach!
250 I Sea You!
Sold Out For Ever ima rahel šimer, ostali pa so brez.
Sold Out For Ever has a little bit of shimmer, others have none.
Na hitro sem jih napacala na nohte, samo za poskušino.
I couldn't resist, I had to quickly try them on my nails.
Zaenkrat je moj favorit I Sea You!, in bo verjetno danes pristal na nohtih. Slikice sledijo:)
My favourite so far is I Sea You! and it will probably be on my nails today. I'll post some pictures:)
Lep sončen dan vam želim!
Have a nice sunny day!
Joy strupen lak /Poisonous Joy
Pozdravljeni bralci (no, upam da bo kdo prebral tole pisanje :))
Pa je mene tudi potegnilo v blogersko sfero. Ampak ne čisto resno, obljubim da na blogu ne bom poskušala rešiti svetovne krize;)
Hello to all my readers (hopefully there are some out there :))
Well, I got dragged in the blogging waters. Bot no fear, I'm not planning on solving the world chrisis here;)
Da začnem prvi post s swatchem: danes na nohtih barva, ki jo je moj dragi opisal kot "strupena". Lak Joy, neznana številka, kupljeno v Tuš drogeriji za cca 0,5€. Mazljivost je zadovoljiva, prekrivnost niti ne. Na fotografiji so trije sloji. Tudi sušenje mu ne gre najbolj, nanesla sem ga pred kakšno uro pa še ni popolnoma suh:(
To start my first post with a nail polish swatch: I'm wearing a colour today, which my boyfriend described as "poisonous". Joy polish, have no idea which number, bought in a local shop for about 0,5€ (yes, a steal. I had no trouble with application, it needed three coats. I'ts been about an hour since i applied it, and it's still not completely dry:(
Najprej slika z bliskavico:
Photograph with flash:
Pa še slika v senci, slabe kvalitete, ampak lepo prikaže barvo:
Photographed in shade, poor quality, but realistic colour:
Hvala za pozornost :)
Thank you for your attention :)
Pa je mene tudi potegnilo v blogersko sfero. Ampak ne čisto resno, obljubim da na blogu ne bom poskušala rešiti svetovne krize;)
Hello to all my readers (hopefully there are some out there :))
Well, I got dragged in the blogging waters. Bot no fear, I'm not planning on solving the world chrisis here;)
Da začnem prvi post s swatchem: danes na nohtih barva, ki jo je moj dragi opisal kot "strupena". Lak Joy, neznana številka, kupljeno v Tuš drogeriji za cca 0,5€. Mazljivost je zadovoljiva, prekrivnost niti ne. Na fotografiji so trije sloji. Tudi sušenje mu ne gre najbolj, nanesla sem ga pred kakšno uro pa še ni popolnoma suh:(
To start my first post with a nail polish swatch: I'm wearing a colour today, which my boyfriend described as "poisonous". Joy polish, have no idea which number, bought in a local shop for about 0,5€ (yes, a steal. I had no trouble with application, it needed three coats. I'ts been about an hour since i applied it, and it's still not completely dry:(
Najprej slika z bliskavico:
Photograph with flash:
Pa še slika v senci, slabe kvalitete, ampak lepo prikaže barvo:
Photographed in shade, poor quality, but realistic colour:
Hvala za pozornost :)
Thank you for your attention :)
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