I just had to show you this! I apologise, my camera still isn't repaired, so pics are extremely crappy, as I took them with my cell phone and under artificial light. But the colour of the polish is surprisingly accurate, so I decided to post them anyway. I'll make it up to you with a post about a great blue polish I wore a while ago with great pics:)
Anyway, I love Eyeko, especially their polishes. I bought this polish, and I got an Ambassador welcome pack with it, as I signed up for an Ambassador. It contained a lip gloss called London Lips, which I also adore and been wearing it a lot lately. I'll do a proper review when I get my camera (again with the camera... I didn't realize until now how lost I am without that thing!). I'm blabbering again, so back to the polish. It's unique in my stash, I have nothing alike. It applied very nicely - the first coat was streaky as usual, but the second coat really evened it out and made it opaque. I love twocoaters:) And the colour is exactly what I'd call camouflage brown/green. Another Eyeko win;)

EDIT: Just as I posted this, the sun came out, so I took two pics in the sun too. Again, crappy crappy, but quite colour accurate on the polish.
