I'm crazy busy, so no blogging. i'm currently wearing Nina Pro - Purple X-Ing, which is amazing, but I wasn't home in time to catch some daylight and lightbulb pics are just crappy. I'm wishing for a lightbox for my birthday;)
I've been thinking about a giveaway for some time now, but figured I'd do it after the holidays since there were plenty in December. And my birthday is coming up, so let's call this one Fleur's birthday giveaway:)I'm turning 25, so there are 25 items in it. yes, mostly nail polish, but also some MU that is currently essential in my life:)
Here's the loot:
First, three Vollare nail art polishes (101, 133 and 140).

Some S-He (464, 455, 399 and 437):

Again Vollare, this time Ashanti and Joy polishes (326, G113, G109 and 387):

Of course I can't do anything without Essence:
(Undead?, Trensetter, Watch out, Glisten up! and Happy holiday)

Some random polishes:
(Catrice - Back to black, BL Deluxe - 5 and Alessandro - 265)

And as I promised, some MU stuff. These days, the combo of the cream eyeshadow and some powder eyeshadow, quickly blended on my eyelid, is my go-to eye make up. It lasts through the day and it's quick and foolproof. So I bought these for you too:) And an addition of a lipgloss in a bloody red colour and false lashes for weekend evenings out:)

If you counted you see that there are only 23 item. Yes, I promised 25:) The other two items are jewellery pieces, which the winner gets to choose herself from my new web site,
Lumpa.si. Sorry guys, it's only in slovene for now, but I will translate it in the near future:) And a hint... I figured out a new technique for the rings, I'm going to post some new pictures on the site tomorrow.
That's it, 25 items for my 25th birthday:) To enter, you must be a public follower via GFC and comment on this post with your email. Open internationally. This giveaway closes on my birthday, that is the 18th of January, at 2 pm (when I was born) CET.
Good luck!