Bourjois So Lacque! Rouge Casino

Moja včerajšnja barva na nohtih je bil Bourjoisov Rouge Casino. Še en lak, ki me je očaral. Cena sicer ni tako privlačna, ampak sem ga dobila za darilo, torej me ni bolelo:) Nanaša se odlično, potrebna sta dva sloja. Gre pa spet za enega tistih malo trših in sploščenih čopičev, ki mi tako ustrezajo. Slike so posnete v flashem, dnevne svetlobe žal ni bilo več.

Yesterday I had Bourjois Rouge Casino on my nails. Another polish that absolutely stunned me. I got it as a gift, so it's somewhat high price didn't bother me:) The colour is great, apllication is easy, and it has a slightly harder and flattened brush that I love. It needed two coats. Pictures are taken with flash.


  1. Krasen rdečko! Pa perfekten nanos...

  2. Za nanos se lahko zahvalim samo čopiču, ki me je res navdušil.

  3. super izgleda na tebi! tudi sama sem ljubiteljica rdečkov:)

  4. I have one of those in the Violet. Do you find they chip really easily?

    Thanks for entering my giveaway! and the follow :o)

  5. Yes, my Bourjois chipped insanely, by the second day it was so bad i had to remove it. I can't imagine how it could last 7 days like it says on the bottle ... :)


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