CCUK - Sugared lilac

Eno izmed mojih odkritij med brskanjem po policah drogerije Tuš - CCUK laki za nohte. Cena je zelo ugodna, približno 1,5€. Kupila sem dva odtenka, danes predstavljam Sugared Lilac. Do tega laka sem razvila resen odnos ljubezni in sovraštva. Barva je prelepa, nanos tudi. Sovražim pa, da je potrebno za prekrivnost nanesti vsaj 3 sloje, četrti ne bi škodil. Sovražim tudi, da eno uro po nanosu še vedno ni popolnoma suh. Ali je vredno trpeti minuse zaradi barve, pa presodite sami.

One of my discoveries while browsing in a local drugstore - CCUK polishes. The price is very low, around 1,5€ for a bottle. I bought two shades, today I have for you Sugared Lilac. I developed a serious love/hate relationship with this polish. I love the colour, I love the application. But I hate the fact that it needs at least three coats to be opaque, a fourth layer would'n be too much. And I hate that it's still not completely dry an hour after application. I'll let you decide if the colour is worth the hassle.


Na naravni svetlobi (sonca ni):
Natural light (there's no sunshine today):


  1. the color is really beautiful, but 4 coats and its still not dry after 1 hour? no thank you ;)
    it suits you though.. =)

  2. lepa barva, ampak če se mi ne bi posušil v 1 uri bi ga takoj dala dol...itak bi se že prej km zaletela z roko in ga uničla :/

  3. Za vse, ki berete... Ne si kupovati teh lakov. Še sedaj (cca 8 ur po nanosu) lak ni suh. Je pa okrušen in razbrazdan. Bljak! :(


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