Essence Into the wild TE - Zulu

This is one from Essence's trend edition called Into The Wild. I picked up this polish out of sheer boredom :) I sort of liked the colour, but wasn't convinced. But then, I had time to kill and went to a drugstore... You probably all know how this story goes;)

Anyway - I don't like it on me. I generally like the colour though. I applied two coats, it dried kinda slow. It says it's matte on the packaging, but it's sort of plastic, definetly not matte.



I'm not keeping it - it's already packed and ready to go to it's new home:)

And a P.S.: YAAAAAAAAAAAAY, we won we won we won!!! :)) (->football/soccer of course)


  1. ful mi je všeč ;)
    upam da še ga dobim kje

  2. Bom pogledala jutri če še imajo kakšnega v našem DM - so v četrtek šele postavili stojalo. Sporočim če bom uspešna :)

  3. ooo fajn ;)
    bi mi lahko vzela 2 če imajo ?

    hvala :)

  4. Tinna, žal imajo v celjskem CC DMu samo še Desert Fox:(

    Ana, meni je načeloma tudi, ampak na mojih nohtih se mi pa ne zdi da zgleda lepo. Očitno sem že malo zbirčna postala kar se lakov tiče :)

  5. Meni je pa lep. Morda bi ti bil bolj všeč, če bi ga malce pokonadirala. :)

  6. Je že prepozno, že potuje proti nihridi :)


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