Ashanti Butterfly Collection 133

I finally found a perfect darker blue cream polish! And at a whopping 0,73€ - yes, I going to get me a back up bottle of this one. And the best thing is I totally stumbled upon it. Went to the drugstore just to get a bottle of water, and there it was, sitting next to the cash register, waiting for me. Oh, the joys of polish obsession:)

Tatatatrarara here it is:

The last one is under my crappy lamp, but it's the most colour accurate.

Don't you just love it?


  1. thats gorgeous!

  2. Yes, it's absolutely fabulous. I went to get another bottle and couldn't find it:(

    @L thanks babe:)

  3. Joj, sva ble s kolegico v TUŠ-u in je bil samo en, pa sem ji ga prepustila!! :) Sploh si nism mislila, da tako lepo izgleda na nohtih! Pa ne morem se nagledat tvojih lepih nohtov in res POPOLNEGA nanosa! <3

  4. mmm pretty but I somehow dobt it can be found over here :(

  5. Ivana, grozna napaka :) Sem pa prej ugotovila, da je popolnoma enak odtenek tudi v Vollare Nail Artistic liniji, ki je tudi znižana. Ponavadi so itak v isti košari, take visoke stekleničke so, z dolgim zlatim ročajem, pa tanek čopič za nail art imajo.

    @Lendoxia - I haven't heard of these polishes being sold anywhere else than in Slovenia. I doubt that's the case though, they're supposedly made in Poland.

  6. Tegale sem že ene trikrat gledala v trgovini, pa se nikakor nisem mogla odločiti ali ga kupim ali ne. =D Lep je ja.

  7. I loooooove this color!
    And so cheap?? I can't find cheap laquers like that here in the netherlands :(


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