China Glaze - Secret Peri-Wink-Le

I don't know about you, but having nail polish that matches my clothes on makes me feel more presentable, neat, elegant. I had a pretty important meeting this morning, and I dressed up. I needed to do a quick mani, and this one was on my desk, because I just got it yesterday - second hand polish FTW:) I thought: Hey, ChG, this must be a great polish! and it matched my blazer prefectly! So, one coat... two coats... THREE COATS?!? NO! 4! Damn you secret periwinkle! And I love the colour soooo much, it's the perfect colour if you ask me. But seriously, what's with the formula? I sort of suspect it was thinned out before I got it:( EDIT: I found out from the previous owner it WAS NOT thinned out. So I blame China Glaze for the crappy formula now.

And here are the pics. See how it looks I have a centimeter of polish on my nails? *sigh*

I have a question for all of you more experienced gals - if a polish is too runny or watery, is there a way to thicken it? Like leaving it opened/uncapped for an hour of so?


  1. It does look excellent on you and I can only imagine how it looked matching your blazer. I would also like to know what answers you get to this question.

  2. Isn't it great, how this always happens when you're in a hurry? I think that leaving the polish open for a while will do the trick. I never had this problem, but others told me leaving it open usually works. Hope it will! :)

  3. love the color! looks great on you!

  4. Ja, tudi jaz se počutim veliko bolje, če se lak ujema z oblačili. Drugače pa, kar se tiče preredkega laka...če je problem samo v redkosti, potem ga pustiš odprtega nekaj časa, ampak to ni najbolj pametno, ker nikoli ne veš koliko časa je preveč... Verjetno je problem bolj v pigmentiranosti. Tudi sama imam Secret Periwinkle in me je malo razočaral. Če le lahko poskusi dobiti Collection 2000 lak BMX Bandit. Barva je zelo podobna, ampak je lak dosti boljši kot tale od ChG. Res priporočam, če boš našla kakšno pupo iz UK, ki bo želela menjati, ali pa ti ga nabaviti.

  5. Zelo lepa barva škoda da so potreben 4 plasti.... tudi jaz rada vidim, da se barva ujame z oblačili=)

  6. jeli se to uopce uspjelo osusit? lijepa je boja, al bas je debeli sloj

  7. Now I regret I didn't do an outfit pic:) I'll try and leave it opened for half an hour of so and let you know the results. It can't get any worse:)

  8. no, jaz ti ga zagotovo nisem razredčila...
    je bil tak ko sem ga jaz kupila na TD, prodala sem ga pa zato ker imam podobnega ki se malo lepše maže...iz takšnih razlogov sem pravzaprav vse prodajala, tako da upam da nisi jezna ker očitno nisi zadovoljna z nakupom :(
    dobiš kakšnega gratis ko bom spet kaj prodajala :P

  9. Anček, seveda da nisem jezna:) Bom popravila v postu. Se pa pripravljam že od tega posta naprej da bi ga pustila malo odprtega v upanju da se bo zgostil, pa si ne upam :S


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