Zoya - Harlow

Finally some nails!!! I got this in a mini swap, and it's my first Zoya! I'm really a collector of different brands, every time I get a polish of a brand I don't already own I'm happy as hell:))

This was two coats, and dried super fast. I really like the finish, but I should have used a ridge filler as a base, because it's very unforgiving of flaws in my nails.


  1. Awesome color on you. I LOVE Zoya lacquers!

  2. I love this one, and I have a feeling I'd love others too, but they're damn expensive. I can live for a week on what i'd pay for one bottle of Zoya :/

  3. Prekrasan je lak i odlčno ti stoji.

    Ja sam si nedavno uzela 3 Zoya laka, Ivanku, Charlu i Savitu. Ne znam koji je ljepši od kojeg.

  4. WOW, what a pretty polish! Zoya is just great.

  5. zanimljiv lak, al kod mene ne bi bio bas puno koristen :/

  6. Still on my wishlist, but with all the new collections, it's so hard to catch up with the list, lol :) Gorgeous polish!

  7. Beautiful! <3 Sam cena je res grda. :/

  8. Ah, Zoya! <3 Fantastične nohte imaš & barva je super! Še ena od Zoy na moji WL ...

  9. Wow! this is beautiful, I love it.
    I am new follower, so helloo :)



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