Studio M - Slamming Red

I was feeling like putting something seriously blingy on today, and remembered this one. I got it in a swap with Karen, and I screamed with joy when I saw it:) When I started applying it, it was really thick and goopy and a mess, so I put thinner in. And more thinner, and more... Until I ran out of space in the bottle. It still needs thinning, but I put it on anyway. A little effort and ta-da!. But it dries weird, all bumpy and sort of matte.

With two coats of a random TC, the glittery goodnes comes out:) It's still bumpy, but nothing I can't live with in the name of love for nail polish:))


  1. Oh stunning! Krasen glitterček, wow! S TC pa zaživi! <3

  2. WOW! It looks amazing with the topcoat on! Wow again!

  3. without topcoat it looks like fancy gritty sandpaper, with topcoat it looks amazing!!!

  4. hehe funny polish, looks better with the TC on indeed :)

  5. izgleda kao da bi mogao napravit ogromnu brazdu po njemu ako ga zagrebes necim, jel se uspio osusit, inace boja svakako ima perspektivu :)

  6. I don't know... That's the WORST finish I've ever seen! I'd even doubt that they could make stuff that ugly :X It looks like some kind of sand paper. I see the potential but that'd be a "no" to me. :(

  7. Mine looks the same and behaved the same way. I could only do 1 coat, and I never got it to sparkle in pictures like it did in the bottle or in real life.

  8. Sandpaper is exactly what it looked like to me too:) I later put on a third coat of TC and it still isn't smooth. Damn:(

    Lendoxia, pravzaprav se je super hitro posušil, v 10 minutah je bil popolnoma trd.

  9. I just bought this, thanks for the tip about the thinner, I'll definitely be thinning this one out :)


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