Maybelline mini Colorama - Party Blue

This is my first Colorama polish. I bought it today, because it was on sale. I mainly went to a drugstore because yesterday I realized I don't own a dark blue/navy creme polish! Can you imagine?!? I bought one from Maybelline, but I realized it's a shimmer when I got home. Total fail *bows head in shame* I really should stop shopping in a hurry.

Anyway, that's not the polish I'm going to write about today. I also bought a light blue cream one - Party blue. I hate it! The brush is idiotic. It's too big, not flattened and spreads way too quickly when you touch the nail. All in all, the application is a PITA. It's a really goopy polish, so thin layers are impossible. I applied three layers, and you can see on the pics that it's still streaky. The photos are with top coat - it helped a bit, but not enough. I can't say if it dries quickly, because I removed it immediately after taking pics.

All pics are under artificial light - absolutely no natural light here today. I tried going outside to take at least a half decent picture in natural light, but my flash kept going off, and the pics without it are a dark blurry mess. Soooo not my day:)

Don't you just hate when you love the colour of a polish but it's totally horrible in every other way? Argh...


  1. Krasen je in lepi nohtki! Ga imam, ampak še ni bil na vrsti bo pa v kratkem, ker je res lep. :)

    Sm že probala eno Coloramo pa mi čopič ni delal težav. :/ Res škoda!

  2. Sad that it was so crappy to apply. It looks pretty good in the pics, I must say; you did a good job despite the problems with it.

  3. glede na to koliko težav si imela z nanašanjem lakec prav lepo zgleda :)

  4. Se strinjam s puncami, glede na to, kako je tečen lakec, si ga super namazala in na fotkah izgleda odlično! =)
    Predlagam ti, da mu daš še eno možnost, ko boš imela več časa, da se vsaka plast posebej posuši in mogoče bo potem kaj bolje. Ker na tebi izgleda resnično super in bi bilo škoda, če ga ne bi nosila. =)

  5. I tried the other one I bought just for fun - I had no problems with it. It's probably the formula of this one. I've been saying I need a thinner, and I'm off to buy one tomorrow. I'm hoping it'll solve my problems with this one too.

    I'll post the pics of the dark blue Colorama later ;)

  6. Oooo, kako je lep in kako ti paše. :)

    Tudi sama sem si ga ravno danes kupila in upam, da ne bom imela takšnih težav z nanosom. :P

  7. Škoda, ker barva je pa lepa...

  8. Yes I hate when polishes are crap but the color is amazing...don't know if I should get rid of them or keep them. Anyway this color is so pretty. I love pastels and blues. :)

  9. I have this one and could apply it in 2 coats without too much problems. Mine wasn't that goopy but it's true that the brush is TOO huge.


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