Joy - 101

If you have sensitive eyes, look away. This one is very bright. You have been warned.

Orange neon. I never pictured myself wearing something like this. Hm, this "project" of mine might make me rethink my polish preferences:)

Since it's a neon, I put a base of a white polish on two nails, and the other two pictured are bare. Again, watch it, this really pops. For some reason, my super duper camera didn't want to catch the neon in this, it kept photographing it reddish, even though I practically begged. Then I pulled out my emergency mini camera and it did the job perfectly:) The pics are of a lesser quality, but all that matters is the neon:)

Yes, you guessed correctly. I have never worn a polish this bright before:)


  1. Oh moj ...! RABIM tega! :) Odlično sovpada z mojo oranžno obsesijo ;)
    Ampak imam občutek, da so pri nas ostali samo neki brezzvezni odtenki :/

  2. Helena, tega sem dobila od tebe, v giveawayu ;) Jutri grem v Tuš, bom se poskušala spomniti in pogledala če ga še imajo. Vem da sem zadnjič gledala da imajo grozne neon odtenke na zalogi. Drugače ti pa odstopim svojega (nazaj), itak ga ne bom nosila. Preveč bleščeč za naše malo mesto :D

  3. Awesome neon. I should have grabbed my shades before I looked. I like it better with the white coat underneath. I can see the difference although its very very slight.

  4. Uf kakšen spomin imam :P
    Očitno sem takrat nagrabila vse zanimive odtenke, zdaj pa ostajajo same neke rjave in bež :/
    Ga z veseljem sprejmem nazaj :P
    Ti pa dobiš en trak za v lase od mene ;)

  5. uf ovo bas divno blijesti :) nego koliko si ti to danas lakova promijenila ^_^

  6. It has to be the brightest neon I have ever seen. But you wear it well. :)

  7. See ladies, told you so:) Brighly bright polish:)

    And thanks to all of you for supporting my "project". Hope you don't get tired of me after a while.


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