Maybelline - Electric Blue and Essence - Deep Blue Sea

First, sorry for my absence for a couple of days - I finally got to take a short vacation:)

I already wrote about my shopping fail - I wanted to buy a navy blue creme and bought a shimmer because I didn't pay enough attention and was in a hurry. I was afraid Maybelline mini Clolorama - Electric Blue was really close to an Essence polish I already owned - Deep Blue Sea, which is also a dark shimmery blue polish. So I did a comparison:) They actually aren't as close as I expected - Deep Blue Sea is a lot darker, but both are absolutely gorgeous! I had no problems with application with either one, both are two coats.

All pictures are under artificial light.

Here are the polishes on nails - the darker one is Essence and the lighter one Maybelline.

Maybelline mini Colorama - Electric Blue

Essence Show Your Feet - Deep Blue Sea (I think they don't sell this one anymore)


  1. ooh! are those maybellines still being sold??? i am a collector!

  2. Yes, at least in Slovenia you can buy them everywhere:)

  3. Tega od essence pa morem imet! Tudi jaz si to poletje želim navy creme lakec :)

  4. Tega od maybelline imam tudi jaz. Prejšnje poletje top lakec, zato ga tudi kar nekaj manjka :D Deep blue sea je tut lep.

  5. Šment, da nisem nikoli kupila tega od Essence. No, ja, saj ta Maybelline je tudi zelo lep :)

  6. kakva mu je postojanost, cula sam da te male colorame i nisu bas najbolje, al nijansa je divna

  7. Uf, o obstojnosti ponavadi težko govorim - ponavadi menjavam manikure dnevno ali vsaj na dva dni. Priznam, da tega lepotca še nisem imela na rokah več kot pet minut:) Bom ti sporočila, ko bom malo bolj stestirala kakšno Coloramo.

    Mogoče pa ti bo katera druga lahko odgovorila?

  8. I love both but that dark one is awesome.
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