Petites - Coral Pink

Something weird happened today. I was sitting behind my desk, writing my thesis, and suddenly though something in the lines of :"Hey, I should put a coral or a pink on my nails today." Yeah, I know, I must be ill. If I'm not fed up with the colour by tomorrow I promise I'll go see a doctor :)

Anyway, I chose the perfect mix of the two - Coral Pink from Petites. I got this a while ago in my first swap but hadn't tried it before. I had problems with application. Even thoug the brush was ok, the consistency was not. It was streaks and bald spots all over. You see three coats on the pics, the fourth one probably wouldn't hurt. But on the other hand, not one bubble in sight, even though I did hurry a little so there was major bubbling potential. Pictures are in the sun and in the shade, and both without top coat. The colour is a litle more neonish pink IRL, but I really don't have the patience to do editing right now, so you'll just have to imagine it :)


  1. ur nails look so cute :D and the colour, very cheerful!

  2. lovely! I do the same thing, maybe because my mind is bored of my thesis...and I don't blame it!

  3. Beautiful color! I love all corals!

  4. Thanks girls:) But I have to say, I'm already taking it off. Not so much because of the colour, but because of massive tipwear and chipping. And I even applied a top coat! Argh:(

  5. Luštna barva :)

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